08 August 2010
Memo to David Plouffe and Mitch Stewart
I'm on the "Organizing for America"/BarackObama.com e-mail list, so I get the frequent updates from Camp Obama. I received an e-mail the other day "from Mitch Stewart," asking me to commit support to the campaign of Alexi Giannoulias for Senate.
In part, it said this: State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias is exactly the kind of leader we need in Washington.
Please. President Obama thinks this guy is "exactly the kind of leader we need"? I doubt it. I would respect the message more if they had said, "We really need to elect this guy, because otherwise we'll end up with Mark Kirk, and he will oppose your position on most issues." But don't try to tell me that this douchebag is exactly the kind of leader we need--it undermines my assessment of your judgment.
I couldn't bring myself to watch the Plouffe video after he called Giannoulias "a terrific candidate."